This contract represents a Dutch auction, where the price of an NFT decreases over time until a buyer purchases it. A seller starts the auction and specifies the starting price, discount rate, time frame, and the NFT that will be up for bids. Buyers can participate in the auction by submitting bids equal to or greater than the current price. The auction ends either when a buyer buys the NFT or when the auction duration expires.


  1. getPrice() public view returns (uint)

  • Description: Retrieves the current price of the NFT based on the elapsed time and the discount rate.

  • Utility Tags: Price Calculation, Auction

  • Uses: Price determination, Buyer payment validation

  1. buy() external payable

  • Description: Allows a buyer to purchase the NFT by paying a price greater than or equal to the current price.

  • Utility Tags: NFT Purchase, Auction

  • Uses: NFT transfer, Payment validation, Refund calculation


Contract Level : Easy

Utility Tags : Price Calculation, Auction , NFT

  • startingPrice : Integer

  • discountRate : Integer

  • Nft : address(String)

  • nftId : Integer

  • Duration : Integer


  1. Art Auctions: Artists and art collectors can utilize the Dutch auction contract to auction off digital artwork or rare collectible NFTs. The auction allows participants to bid on the NFTs, with the price decreasing over time. This use case provides a fair and transparent platform for artists to sell their work and collectors to acquire valuable NFTs.

  2. Limited Edition NFT Sales: Brands or influencers can create limited edition NFTs and use the Dutch auction contract to sell them to their audience. By setting a starting price and discount rate, they can create a sense of urgency and incentivize early purchases. This use case allows them to monetize their influence or brand value through exclusive NFT releases.

  3. Gaming Item Auctions: Game developers can implement the Dutch auction contract to auction rare in-game items or virtual assets as NFTs. The auction's time-limited nature and decreasing prices can drive engagement and competitiveness among players who want to acquire these valuable items. This use case adds an element of excitement and scarcity to the gaming ecosystem.

  4. Charity Fundraising: Non-profit organizations can leverage the Dutch auction contract to raise funds for charitable causes using NFTs. They can auction off unique digital artworks or virtual experiences, with the price decreasing over time. This use case combines the benefits of NFTs with charitable initiatives, enabling donors to support causes while also receiving valuable digital assets.

  5. Exclusive Access Sales: Content creators, musicians, or event organizers can offer exclusive access passes or backstage experiences as NFTs through the Dutch auction contract. The decreasing price structure encourages early purchases, granting buyers special privileges and unique experiences. This use case allows creators to monetize their fan base while providing exclusive perks to dedicated supporters.

  6. Tokenized Real Estate Auctions: The Dutch auction contract can be used to tokenize real estate assets as NFTs and auction them off. Each NFT represents fractional ownership of the property, and the decreasing price structure encourages potential investors to participate. This use case offers a new way to invest in real estate and allows for efficient fractional ownership.

Last updated