The voting contract allows users to create proposals and vote on them. Each proposal contains a description, a deadline, and vote counts for "YAY" and "NAY" options. The contract includes functions to create a proposal, vote on a proposal, and fetch the vote counts for a proposal. It also includes a modifier to ensure that voting is allowed only for active proposals.


  1. createProposal(string memory _proposal) external returns(uint256): This function allows users to create a new proposal for voting. It takes a proposal description as input and returns the index of the created proposal.

  2. vote(uint256 _id, Vote vote1) external activeProposalOnly(_id): Users can vote either "YAY" or "NAY" on a specific proposal identified by its index. This function increments the vote count accordingly based on the vote option selected. The modifier activeProposalOnly ensures that the voting is allowed only if the proposal is still active (before the deadline).

  3. getVotes(uint256 _id) view external returns(uint256, uint256): This function retrieves the number of "YAY" votes and "NAY" votes for a particular proposal. It takes the proposal index as input and returns the respective vote counts.

  4. numproposals()


  1. Contract Level : Easy

  2. Utility tags: Voting System, Proposal Creation, Vote Casting, Vote Counting


  1. Decentralized Governance: Users can create proposals and vote on decisions related to the governance of a decentralized organization or protocol.

  2. Community Polls: Communities or decentralized applications (dApps) can use the contract to conduct polls and gather opinions from their users.

  3. Decision-Making Processes: The contract can be utilized in scenarios where collective decisions need to be made, such as selecting a course of action or determining project priorities.

  4. Parameter Changes: In decentralized systems, the contract can be employed to allow token holders or stakeholders to vote on parameter changes, such as inflation rates, fee structures, or consensus algorithm adjustments.

  5. Funding Allocation: Organizations or communities can utilize the contract to propose and vote on the allocation of funds for specific projects or initiatives.

Last updated