The MultiSigWallet contract implements a multi-signature wallet where multiple owners are required to approve and execute transactions. The contract allows owners to submit transactions, confirm pending transactions, execute approved transactions, and revoke confirmations. The number of required confirmations is set during contract deployment.


  1. submitTransaction: Allows one of the owners to submit a transaction for approval. The transaction includes the recipient address, value, and data.

  2. confirmTransaction: Allows owners to confirm a pending transaction by its index. Each owner can confirm a transaction only once.

  3. executeTransaction: Allows an owner to execute a transaction that has received enough confirmations. The transaction is marked as executed.

  4. revokeConfirmation: Allows an owner to revoke their confirmation for a pending transaction.

  5. getOwners: Returns an array of addresses representing the owners of the multi-signature wallet.

  6. getTransaction: Retrieves information about a specific transaction by its index.

  7. isConfirmed()

  8. isOwner()

  9. Owners()

  10. required()


Contract Level: Easy

Utility tags: Multi-Signature Wallet, Wallet, Transaction Execution, Transaction Approval

  1. Owners: address[ ](string[])

  2. Required: Integer


  1. Cryptocurrency Wallets: The contract can be used to implement secure multi-signature wallets for cryptocurrencies, where multiple owners must approve outgoing transactions.

  2. Governance Systems: Multi-signature wallets are commonly used in governance systems, where multiple parties need to collectively approve and execute actions.

  3. Escrow Services: The contract can be utilized as an escrow service, where funds are held in a multi-signature wallet and require multiple approvals for release.

  4. Secure Funds Management: Multi-signature wallets provide an added layer of security for managing and protecting funds, reducing the risk of unauthorized transactions.

  5. Decentralized Finance (DeFi): In DeFi applications, the contract can be used for managing funds and executing transactions with the consensus of multiple parties, enhancing security and trust.

Last updated